Meet Peggy, our Partnership Support Officer

We are excited to introduce Peggy Dano – our Partnership Support Officer for our Indonesian partnerships. In this role, Peggy focus on our Indonesian partnerships, particularly wiht Lua Lemba in Rote.

Peggy was born in Indonesia, studied a Bachelor of Arts at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya and recently moved to Brisbane to study a Masters in Communication for Social Change at the University of Queensland. She has now graduated from her masters and has a strong interest in gender equity.

1.Tell us a little about yourself?

I am a second-year student of Master of Communication for Social Change at The University of Queensland. During my study, I also involve in non-academic activities. I am an active social media manager of UQ Indonesian Student Association (UQISA) since July 2019. I always have a heart for those who have less privileged and have interest in gender equity.

2. What draws you to working in community development?

Born in Indonesia makes me experience how challenging it is to be a woman. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by brilliant people who help me to pursue higher education and improve my skills. But I am aware that other women might not have the same opportunities as me. I have seen many who are trapped into child marriage, abusive relationship and child labour, yet they could not refuse or escape from those circumstances due to economy and cultural reason. Having those realities encouraged me to work in the community development sector. So I will not only argue about how to empower my fellow women in Indonesia but also actually walk the talk and do what I can.

3. What will your focus be at indigo foundation and what are you excited about? 

While other organisation often refuse people with few experiences, Indigo Foundation gave me a warm welcome to learn and work as Partnership Support Officer. With this opportunity, I will focus on supporting and learning the Partnership between the Indigo Foundation and Indonesia’s partner, especially Lua Lemba. I am excited to learn further on how the Indigo can successfully build their Partnership and empower this community. Hopefully, with my knowledge, I can also contribute to support their work with other Indonesia’s partners