indigo foundation has worked for over 15 years in Borjegai and Jirghi to improve school infrastructure and education outcomes – and to ensure more girls and young women have a chance to be educated.
Since 2003, we have helped to build 12 schools – including the first girls school in the region. We have supported the community to provided desks and chairs, libraries and toilets to 23 schools. And we have worked to train teachers and in particular supported a network of female teachers. These are crucial steps to helping families feel comfortable to let their girls attend school. Across the life of this project, around 8,000 students have attended or graduated from these schools – 35-40% of whom are girls.
Around 800 students from our partner communities have gone on to higher education institutions and the schools that we work in consistently outperform above the national average for rural schools – in terms of the results in the end of high school exams, in the number of students getting into university, in the numbers of girls achieving.